AI x Education: Provoking Conversations on Ethics, Access, and Policy This month, I had the privilege of attending the AI x Education conference - a two-day event that really got my wheels turning. There were more than 60 speakers including esteemed university professors, principals, teachers and students. They explored a variety of topics around AI in the classroom for all age levels from K-12 to Higher Education. Not only were the presentations outstanding but there was time dedicated to thought provoking question and answer sessions.
The organizer, Johnny Chang, UIUC ECE '23 | Stanford CS '25, recently sent a recap email where he reiterated the importance of open dialogue at this critical time.
The AI x Education conference was more than just a knowledge exchange. It was a call to introspect, discuss, and collaborate. Let’s ensure that as AI evolves, our understanding and strategies evolve with it. I invite everyone to join this conversation and share their insights. The more perspectives we have, the richer our understanding will be.
A couple of conversations that left an impression on me included:
To Cite or Not to Cite: AI in Student Assignments
When to Cite AI can be tricky. It was brought up that students use Grammarly and spellcheck every day, and nobody bats an eye. ChatGPT could be headed that way. In the meantime, educators and students mostly agreed that if AI is helping craft content, it should be cited.
A teacher pointed out that if students are dishing out credits to AI, what about the parents or tutors lending a hand? It's an interesting angle, especially when you think about the extra help some kids might get at home. This poignant observation draws attention to the tangible advantages some students may have in more affluent settings. While it’s a question without straightforward answers, it's worthy of reflection.
Equal Access: Who’s Getting Left Behind?
As we marvel at how many students might be leveraging AI, the more critical question might be, "who isn't leveraging it, or perhaps, isn't even aware of its existence?" and how do we ensure those students aren't left out?

Another point that was emphasized is the need for districts to craft policies around the ethical use of AI. Amanda Bickerstaff, the Founder and CEO of AI for
Education and a former high school biology teacher shared a strategic blueprint for districts to introduce an AI policy.
Foundational Training: Begin by ensuring that the staff is acquainted with the basics of AI. Knowledge is empowerment.
School-wide Policy Introduction: When introducing something as transformative as an AI policy, it requires collective comprehension.
AI Literacy Days: Designate days or even a week focused on AI literacy. A concentrated effort can boost adoption and understanding.
Clear Classroom Expectations: Each educator should set clear boundaries for AI's use, ensuring students understand the 'why' behind the rules.
Community Engagement: AI's influence isn’t restricted to classrooms. Extend AI awareness sessions to the broader community, ensuring everyone's on the same page.
In Chang's summary email, he also included a call to action which is driving this blog post.
In the spirit of collective growth and shared knowledge, we encourage you to share these resources with your fellow educators. We believe that the inspiring ideas and practices discussed by our speakers can benefit educators worldwide, especially as we gear up for the upcoming semester.
I encourage everyone to check out the AI x Education resources.
You can access all the session recordings on our Youtube channel: AI x Education Videos.
Concise conference report summarizing some pivotal points from the various discussions. You can review it here: AI x Education Conference Report.
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Please, share your thoughts in the comments. Your perspective and insights matter.
As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of AI in education, there is so much we can learn from one another. Let's continue this journey of exploration together